(Just) go! / Go go go! Let’s go!
[Dutch phrase of the week]
“Gaan met die banaan!” literally translates to “Go with that banana!” 🙂 It’s used to encourage people to go ahead with the activity at hand. “Gaan met die banaan” doesn’t really have an etymology…it’s just a good rhyme 😉
– “Je voelt je ziek? Wat dan nog? Gaan met die banaan!”
(“You’re feeling sick? So what? Just go!”)
– “Je wilt ons tripje afblazen? Niks ervan, gaan met die banaan!”
(“You want to call off our little trip? No way, let’s go!”)
– “<aerobic lerares> Hoezo geen puf meer voor deze oefening? Kom op meiden, gaan met die banaan!”
(“<aerobics teacher> What do you mean, no more energy for this exercise? Come on girls, go go go!” Lit.: “How so no more energy…”)
– “Kom op!”: come on!
– “Vooruit met de geit!”: come on! (lit.: “forward with the goat!”)
Related words:
– Banaan: banana [noun] [de banaan, de bananen].
– Opschieten: to hurry (up) [verb] [opschieten, schoot op, i. opgeschoten].
– “Kom op! Schiet op! Gaan met die banaan!” – “Gast, doe rustig. Ontspan je.”
(“Come on! Hurry up! Go go go!” – “Dude, take it easy. Relax.)