(rough) draft [noun] [het klad, de kladden]
Although "klad" has a plural form, this is never used. "Klad" is often used in conjunction with other nouns, see ‘Examples’ and ‘Related words’.
1. "De schilder maakte eerst een tekening in klad voordat hij het penseel ter hand nam."
("The painter first made a drawing in (rough) draft, before taking up the pensil/ (paint) brush.")
2. "De kladversie van deze presentatie moet nog aangepast worden voordat ik hem in het management team presenteer."
("The draft version of this presentation has to be adjusted before I present it in the management team.")
Related words:
1. "Kladderen": to smudge.
2. "Kladblaadje" or "kladpapiertje": a piece of scrap paper.
"De klad komt erin": things are slowing down / getting worse.
(Literally: "The rough draft gets in it).