(computer) keyboard
[het toet-sen-bord, de toet-sen-bor-den]
"Toetsenbord" is composed of "toetsen" and "bord", which respectively translate to "keys" and "board", hence 'keyboard'. "Toetsenbord" is nearly always used in the context of a computer. The musical keyboard translates to "keyboard" in Dutch 🙂
In the Netherlands, the keyboard standard that is mostly used is QWERTY.
– "Ik heb pijn aan mijn arm…" – "Heb je al een ergonomisch toetsenbord?"
("My arm is aching…" – "Do you already have an ergonomic keyboard?" Lit.: "I have pain on my arm…")
– "Ik gebruik nauwelijks een muis, alleen het toetsenbord van mijn computer."
("I hardly use a mouse, only the keyboard of my computer.")
– "Frank computert meer dan tien uur per dag…" – "Dan zal zijn toetsenbord wel versleten zijn…"
("Frank uses the computer more than ten hours a day…" – "His keyboard will be worn out then…")
Related words:
– Bord: plate, board [noun] [het bord, de borden].
– Computeren: to use the computer for recreational purposes [verb] [computeren, computerde, h. gecomputerd].
– Keyboard: keyboard [noun] [het keyboard, de keyboards].
– "Speel jij Mozart op je keyboard? Hartstikke goed man!"
("Do you play Mozart on your keyboard? That's awesome man!" Lit.: "Really good man!")
– Muis: mouse [noun] [de muis, de muizen].
– Toets: 1. key [noun] [de toets, de toetsen]. 2. test, examination [noun] [de toets, de toetsen].
– Typen: to type [verb] [typen, typte, h. getypt].