
to marry, to get married
[trouw-de, h. ge-trouwd]

The noun that goes with "trouwen" is "trouw": loyalty, faith(fulness).

In the Netherlands, in general getting married is more a choice than that it is expected, although in some subcultures this will be different.

1. "Wanneer gaan jullie trouwen?"
("When are you getting married?")

2. "Zijn jullie getrouwd?"
(<to a couple:> "Are you married?")

3. "Mag ik je voorstellen aan mijn man/vrouw?"
("May I introduce you to my husband/wife?")

Related words:
1. "Bruid": bride.
2. "Bruidegom": groom.
3. "Bruiloft": wedding party. The wedding itself is more often called "trouwerij".
4. "Huwelijk": marriage.
5. "Echtgenoot/echtgenote": spouse (male/female).