Grammar: <herhaling> [noun] [de herhaling, de herhalingen].
Translates to: repetition, repeat.
The verb that goes with "herhaling" is "herhalen": to repeat, to revise.
In Dutch, verbs that represent an action that is repeated often start with "her" or "re".
1. "De trein naar Brussel vertrekt van spoor 4. Herhaling: de trein naar … "
("The train to Brussels leaves from track 4. Repeat: the train to …")
2. "Mijn telefoonnummer is 070-1123581. Ik herhaal: mijn telefoonnummer …"
("My telephone number is … . I repeat: my …")
3. "Kunt u dat herhalen? Mijn Nederlands is nog niet zo goed."
("Can you repeat that? My Dutch is not yet that good.")
4. "De eerste twee lessen herhalen we de stof van het afgelopen jaar."
("The first two lessons we revise last year’s material.")
Related word:
"Repetitie": rehearsal (for a show), test (in high school, comprehensive school).
1. "Vanavond hebben we generale repetitie."
("Tonight we have the final rehearsal.")
2. "Morgen heb ik repetitie Wiskunde."
("Tomorrow I have a math test.")