
dentist [noun] [de <tand><arts>, de tandartsen]

The Dutch word "arts" translates to "doctor" or "physician" hence "tandarts" literally translates to "tooth doctor".

– "Ik moet vrijdag naar de tandarts, maar ik heb helemaal geen zin."
("I have to go to the dentist on Friday, but I really don’t feel like going." See also DWOTD "80. Zin".)

– "Heeft de tandarts je voor het boren een lokale verdoving gegeven?"
("Has the dentist given you a local anaesthetic before drilling?")

– "Ik moet de tandarts nog bellen voor een afspraak."
("I still have to call the dentist for an appointment.")

– "Het is altijd lente in de ogen van de tandartsassistente."
("It is always spring in the eyes of the dental nurse." See ‘Extra’.)

Related words:
– "Gaatje": cavity, literally "little hole" (diminutive of "gat").
– "Vulling": filling, inlay.

The word "tandarts" appeared earlier in DWOTD "24. Tandpasta" and "4. Afspraakje".

There’s a well known Dutch song called: " ‘t Is altijd lente" which contains the oneliner " ‘t Is altijd lente in de ogen van de tandartsassistente". The song is about a guy who fancies this dental nurse, and to get an appointment fast, he stops brushing his teeth and starts eating lots of candy… Ask any random Dutch person to complete the sentence " ‘t Is altijd lente…" and he or she will say: "…in de ogen van de tandartsassistente!" 🙂
See http://www.lyricsvault.net/songs/13993.html for the complete lyrics.