cash register, cash desk, checkout [noun] [de kassa, de kassa’s]
– “U kunt betalen bij de kassa.”
(“You can pay at the cash desk.”)
– “Er staat een enorme rij bij de kassa!”
(“There’s a huge queue/line at the checkout!”)
– “In kleine winkeltjes wordt soms nog een ouderwetse mechanische kassa gebruikt.”
(“In small (little) shops sometimes an old-fashioned mechanical cash register is still used.”)
Related words:
– “Kassakorting”: an extra discount (“korting”) that you will receive once you pay at the “kassa”.
– “Afrekenen”: to pay (for goods or a service).
– “Betalen”: to pay (in general).
– “Kassameisje”: girl at the cash register/checkout. See also ‘Extra’.
– “Kassajuffrouw”: in case it is more of a woman than a girl 🙂
– “Kassa erbij!”: “add a check-out!”. This you might hear when the supermarket personnel notices that people are queueing up too much. The “Albert Heijn” supermarket has displays that say “3 in de rij, kassa erbij!”, which they of course don’t do.
– “Kassa!”
1. <in case something is (too) expensive> “What a rip off!”
2. <in case someone is lucky> “Bingo!” / “Jackpot!”
In The Netherlands, there’s the common prejudice that girls working at
the checkout of a supermarket are not too bright. This prejudice is
parodied by “De Vliegende Panters“, a Dutch group of cabaret performers; the song is about the promiscuous behaviour of one of the “kassameisjes”.