294. Schrijver

writer, author [noun] [de schrijver, de schrijvers] [‘sgrij-vur’]

"Schrijver" is the noun derived from the verb "schrijven": to write. However, "schrijver" is only used for the author of a book, novel, play etc. The more general "auteur" can also be used for documents, manifests etc.

Janwolkers_turksfruit_1Last week a well-known Dutch writer died at age 81 (and he is cremated today): Jan Wolkers. He is considered one of the great authors of post World War II Dutch literature. Amongst many other books he wrote "Turks Fruit" ("Turkish Delight") in 1969, based on which a film with the same title appeared in 1973 directed by Paul Verhoeven who later went on to Hollywood to direct movies such as "Robocop", "Basic Instinct" and "Starship Troopers". The film "Turks Fruit" is infamous for its explicit sexual content (like the book) and was the breakthrough of Dutch actors Rutger Hauer and Monique van de Ven.

– "Ik wil later schrijver worden. Of acteur. Als het maar creatief is!"
("Later I want to become a writer. Or an actor. As long as it is creative!" Note that when talking about professions in this way we use no article.)

– "Bekende Nederlandse schrijvers zijn: Jan Wolkers, Gerard Reve, Willem-Frederik Hermans en Harry Mulisch."
("Well-known Dutch authors are: Jan Wolkers, Gerard Reve, Willem-Frederik Hermans and Harry Mulisch.")

– "Dit is niet om over naar huis te schrijven": this is nothing special, this is not great. Literally: this is not to write home about.
– "Dat kan je op je buik schrijven": you can forget about that, that is not going to happen. Literally: you can write that on your belly.

Related words:
– "Auteur": author.
– "Dichter": poet.
– "Schrift": writing, script or notebook (cahier).
– "Pen": pen.