292. Het kan toch niet zo zijn dat…

It can’t possibly be the case that… [Dutch phrase of the week]

The word "toch" is used as an implicit request for confirmation, but the phrase can be put both as a question or a statement. In case of the first we could choose to add "right?" or "is it now?" to the end of the above translation.

This is a popular phrase that people use – either consciously or out of
habit – in order to substantiate a claim, or express wonder. In case of the first it is nothing more than a manipulative technique to set the mind of the receiver: well, if this can’t possibly be the case, then this person must be right! For this reason it is a popular phrase for politicians to use 🙂

– "Het kan toch niet zo zijn dat het standpunt dat hier geuit wordt, gesteund wordt door de meerderheid van de kamer?"
("It can’t possibly be the case that the point of view that is expressed here, will be supported by the majority of the House of Commons/Representatives, can it now?" Here "kamer" is short for the Dutch "Tweede Kamer".)

– "Het kan toch niet zo zijn dat in onze maatschappij dit soort excessen worden getolereerd!"
("It can’t possibly be the case that in our society these kind of excesses are tolerated!")

– "Het kan toch niet zo zijn dat je als burger zomaar wordt afgeluisterd!"
("It can’t possibly be the case that civilians are eavesdropped, just like that!" Literally "…that as a citizen one is eavesdropped…")

– "Het kan toch niet zo zijn dat twee volkeren elkaar uitmoorden en de rest van de wereld slechts toekijkt?"
("It can’t possibly be the case that two peoples massacre each other and the rest of the world just watches, right?")