329. Piek

peak, summit, top [noun] [de piek, de pieken] [‘piek‘]

It is possible that you will hear the word "piek" in a completely different context, that is a monetary context. Before the Euro was introduced in the Netherlands the popular synonym for a guilder was a "piek", similar to words like "quid" or "buck". The plural "pieken" was informally used for money in general. Some people are using "piek" now as a synonym for a Euro, but this is of course not the real thing 🙂

Related to the normal meaning of "piek" is the verb "pieken": to reach a maximum, to be at its best / highest point, see the Examples.

By the way, since it is Christmas time, a "piek" can also be the top ornament of a Christmas tree.

– "Kan ik wat geld van jou lenen, ik heb geen pieken bij me."
("Can I borrow some money from you, I do not have any money (on me).")

– "Gisteravond hebben we de kerstboom versierd. Alleen, we zijn de piek kwijt!"
("Last night we decorated the Christmas tree. It’s just that we have lost the top ornament!")

– "Helaas, geen baanrecord dit keer! Het lijkt alsof Rintje Ritsma te vroeg heeft gepiekt dit seizoen."
("Too bad, no track record this time! It appears as if Rintje Ritsma was at his best too early in the season!")

– "De statistieken laten aan het einde van het jaar altijd een enorme piek in de werkdruk zien!"
("Statistics always show an enormous peak in pressure of work at the end of the year!")

Related words:
– "Haarpiek(en)": wisp(s) of hair.
– "Piekeren": to worry.
– "Piekerig": worrysome, but also "piekerig haar": wispy hair.
– "Top": top, maximum. Also "great", "super".