351. Beurs

"Beurs" is a word that you will most likely come across in Dutch newspapers. Its common meaning is ‘stock exchange’ or ‘stock market’ but "beurs" has other meanings too which are explained below.

1. stock exchange, stock market [noun] [de beurs, de beurzen] [‘beurs‘]

Here "beurs’ can also be used for the building in which the trading takes place.

– "De beurs zakte gisteren tot haar diepste punt sinds 11 september 2001."
("The stock market plunged to its lowest level since September 11, 2001.")

– "De negatieve verwachtingen van de Amerikaanse economie zorgden voor paniek op de beurs."
("Negative expectations of the US economy caused panic on the stock exchange.")

– "Unilever is een beursgenoteerde onderneming."
("Unilever is quoted on the stock exchange.")

Related words:
– "Beurskoers": quotation, share price.
– "Beurskrach": crash, slump.

2. scholarship, grant [noun] [de beurs, de beurzen] [‘beurs‘]

– "Zij heeft een beurs gekregen voor Columbia University."
("She has gained a scholarship for Columbia University.")

3. wallet, purse [noun] [de beurs, de beurzen] [‘beurs‘]

The related word "portemonnee" is a bit more common.

– "Mijn beurs is al twee keer door zakkenrollers gestolen."
("My wallet has already been stolen twice by pickpockets.")

Related word:
– "Portemonnee": wallet. Derived from French ‘porter’ (to carry) and ‘monnaie’ (money).

4. fair, exhibition [noun] [de beurs, de beurzen] [‘beurs‘]

– "In januari vond de Vakantiebeurs plaats in de Jaarbeurs in Utrecht."
("The Vacation/Holiday/Travel Fair took place at the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht in January.")

5. overripe / mushy, black and blue [adjective] [‘beurs‘]

– "Na mijn eerste twee dagen snowboarden waren mijn billen helemaal beurs."
("After my first two days snowboarding my behind was completely black and blue.")

– "De bokser sloeg zijn tegenstander beurs / tot moes."
("The boxer beat his opponent to pulp.")

This DWOTD was provided by guest author Laura.