goat [noun] [de geit, de geiten] [‘geit‘]
you are into animal farms, most likely you will not discuss "geiten"
much. However, there are a few things to say about the word "geit" 🙂
– "Wat neem jij?" – "Hmm, ik denk de geitenkaassalade. Of misschien de eendenborst…"
("What are you having?" – "Uhm, I’m thinking the goat cheese salad. Or perhaps the duck breast…")
– "We zijn naar de kinderboerderij geweest. Daar waren heel veel lieve geitjes!"
went to the children’s farm. There were many sweet kids!" Okay, maybe
this sentence is confusing now! 😉 Sometimes we say ‘babygeitje’ to
distinguish between just a small goat or its kid.)
"Vooruit met de geit!": this is a very common expression meaning "let’s
get moving/started". Literally it says "forward with the goat!"
– "Wat een geit zeg!": the word "geit" can be used for "giggly females" too.
Related words:
– "Bok": (male) goat, billy goat.
– "Blaten": to bleat.