smelly/sweaty feet [noun] [<no singular>, de zweetkakkies] [‘zweet-ka-kies’]
that "zweetkakkies" can only be used informally! The normal word for
sweaty feet is "zweetvoeten". The Dutch verb for "to sweat" is "zweten".
Only in the word "zweetkakkies" is the word "kak" associated to feet and only in this plural (informal diminutive) form. In general "kak" is
used for "sh*t/crap" or in connection to posh people or likewise
social environments (see DWOTD Kakker).
You might also hear "zweetkakken".
– "Zo, jij hebt vandaag zweetkakkies zeg, wat heb je gedaan?"
("My, you have quite smelly feet today, what have you been up to?")
– "De laatste tijd heb ik last van zweetkakkies, ik hoop niet dat het iets blijvends is!"
("Lately I’m bothered by sweaty feet, I hope it will not stay like this!" Lit. ",… that it will be something staying/remaining.")
– "Toen ik studeerde aan de universiteit deelde ik een kamer met een
jongen die heel erge zweetkakkies had! De hele kamer stonk ernaar!"
("When I went to university I shared a room with a boy who had very smelly feet. The whole room smelled like it!")
Related words:
– "Zweetvoeten": regular word for sweaty feet.
– "Zweten": to sweat.
– "Stinken": to smell.
I think the word kakkies derives from the malay/indonesia word kaki, meaning feet
Hey Muna – that makes a lot of sense given the colonial history; thanks for letting us know!