fire [noun] [de brand, de branden]
You might have heard this word on the Dutch news the day before yesterday, when the building of the Faculty of Architecture of Delft University burnt down (see picture). “Brand” is used to describe the unwanted event of a fire. The word “vuur” is used more generally for a fire, either unwanted or wanted, and is also used in a figurative sense. For example, the fire in a fireplace is called “vuur” but cannot be called “brand” (unless it gets out of hand). The verb “branden” means to burn and can also be used in a figurative sense (see “Examples”).
– “Door de harde wind verspreidde de brand zich snel naar de linkervleugel van het gebouw.”
(“Because of the heavy wind the fire spread fast to the left-wing of the building.”)
– “De brand kon pas na twee dagen worden geblust.”
(“The fire was extinguished only after two days.”)
– “Brand! Bel 112!”
(“Fire! Call 112”. 112 is the telephone number you can call in the Netherlands in case of an emergency.)
– “Nadat het vuur twee dagen had gewoed, kon de brandweer het sein ‘Brand meester’ geven”.
(“After the fire had been going on for two days, the fire brigade was able to control it”. Lit.: “After the fire had been going on for two days, the fire brigade was able to give the sign ‘Fire mastered’. “To give Sein ‘Brand meester”’ is an expression used by fire extinguishers when the fire is under control.)
– “Zij brandde van verlangen om hem weer te zien.”
(“She burnt with desire to see him again”. This is an example of the verb “branden” used in a figurative sense.)
– “We gingen rond het kampvuur zitten en zongen liedjes tot middernacht.”
(“We gathered around the campfire and sang songs until midnight.”)
– “De vuurzee verwoestte het hele dorp.”
(“The fire (Lit.: “sea of fire”) destroyed the entire village.”)
Related words:
– “Blussen”: to extinguish.
– “Branden”: to burn.
– “Brandweer”: the fire department, fire brigade.
– “Vlam”: flame.
– “Lucifers”: matches.
– “Brandblusser”: fire extinguisher.