
to travel [verb] [reisde, gereisd] [‘rei-zun’] Iconspeaker_klein

You will also encounter the word "reizen" as the plural of the noun
"reis": trip, journey or travel. Instead of "reizen" the Dutch will
also say "op reis zijn" and "op reis gaan": "to be on a trip / the go" and "to go on a trip".

A word that sounds the same but has a completely different meaning is "rijzen": to rise (up), to arise. To distinguish between the ‘ij’ and ‘ei’, that sound the same, the Dutch often speak of the ‘lange ij‘ and the ‘korte ei’, depending on the presence of the "long" ‘j’. Grammatically speaking however, there is no such thing as a ‘korte ei’, as ‘ei’ is a vowel combination and not a letter.

– "Moet jij vaak reizen voor het werk?"
("Do you have to travel for work often?" We also commonly say "moet jij vaak op reis voor het werk?")

– "Veel mensen in Nederland reizen elke dag op en neer tussen woon -en werkplaats."
lot of people in the Netherlands commute to work every day." Note the
expression "op en neer reizen": "to commute / travel up and down".)

– "Sinds Frank een consultant is, reist hij heel de wereld rond."
("Ever since Frank became a consultant, he travels all around the world.")

– "Mijn oma heeft niet veel gereisd toen zij jong was. Maar ja, het
is tegenwoordig veel makkelijker om te reizen dan vroeger, toch?"

grandmother has not travelled much when she was young. But hey,
nowadays it is a lot easier to travel than in the old days, isn’t it?")

Related words:
– "Op reis zijn": to be on the road / the go, to be in the act of travelling.

– "Ik heb Laura al een tijd niet gezien!" – "Dat kan kloppen, zij is op reis!"
("I haven’t seen Laura for quite some time!" – "That may be the case, she’s travelling!"

– "Op reis gaan: to go on a trip.
– "Reiziger": traveller.
– "Reizen met de/het …": to travel by … .
– "Reizen per …": to travel by … .
– "Wereldreis": trip around the world.
– "Forensen": to commute (also see second example above).
– "Pendelen": to commute, to shuttle.
– "Reis": trip, journey, travel.

"Goede reis!"
("Have a good trip!")

– "Reisgids": travel guide.
– "Reislustig": fond of travelling, keen on travelling.
– "Vakantie": holiday.
– "Ticket": plane ticket.

3 thoughts on “Reizen

  1. How do you express ‘taking someone on a trip’? As in: When I was young, my father took me on a trip across the country. The closest expression I could find was: “Als kleine jongen nam mijn vader me mee naar een baseballwedstrijd.” As a small boy, my father took me TO a baseball game. But I want to express “took me ON a trip out west.” Bedankt!

  2. Hi Bruce,
    “To take somebody on a trip” can be translated as “iemand mee op reis nemen”.
    You can leave out the “mee” but it is commonly there to emphasize that you are together on the trip.
    So in your example:
    “Toen ik klein/jong was, heeft mijn vader mij mee op reis genomen naar het westen”.

  3. Is reislustig an equivalent for the english “wanderlust”?
    If not, what would be a more appropriate translation of the word “wanderlust” in dutch?

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