1. plaster, band-aid [noun] [de pleister, de pleisters] [‘plei-ster’]
Een “pleister” is what you put on small wounds to stop them from bleeding. When the wound is larger, or after surgery, the wounds are protected by bandages, which are translated by “verband” (singular). A second meaning of “pleister” is explained below.
– “Heb je een pleister voor me? Ik heb mijn vinger net gesneden aan de rand van die envelop.”
(“Do you have a plaster for me? I’ve just cut my finger on the edge of that envelope”.)
– “De pleisters lieten los toen ze nat waren geworden.”
(“The plasters came off after they’d become wet.”)
– “Haar hoofd was in verband gewikkeld na de plastische chirurgie.”
(“Her head was packed in bandages after the plastic surgery.”)
– “Een pleister op de wonde zijn”: to be a consolation.
– “Turkije zal niet in de finale van het EK spelen. Dat ze zo ver zijn gekomen, is een pleister op de wonde.”
(“Turkey will not play in the final of the European Football Championship. It’s a consolation that they’ve made it this far”. Lit.: “That they’ve made it this far, is a consolation”.)
Related words:
– Verband [noun] [het verband, de verbanden]: the bandage.
2. plaster, stucco [noun] [het pleister(werk), no plural] [‘plei-ster‘]
Another meaning of “pleister” or “pleisterwerk’ is stucco.
– “Als het pleisterwerk goed is gedroogd, kunnen we de muren gaan verven.”
(“Once the stucco has dried well, we can start painting the walls.”)