
(little) snack [noun] [het tussendoortje, de tussendoortjes] [‘tus-sun-door-tju’] Iconspeaker_klein

And we’re back! Well…at least for the next three weeks of our summer schedule 🙂

In a certain way, you could consider this DWOTD to be a "tussendoortje": something that is consumated quickly between two main activities/meals…usually a food snack, though "tussendoortje" can also beKroket used figuratively.

– "Ik ben op dieet, dus dat betekent geen tussendoortjes meer…"

("I’m on a diet, so that means no more snacks…")

– "<De ene vampier tegen de andere:> We boffen…deze jonge maagd is een lekker tussendoortje!"
("<One vampire to the other:> We are fortunate…this young virgin will be a tasty snack!")

– "Wat heeft Frank een dikke buik gekregen!" – "Tja, dat krijg je van al die tussendoortjes…"
("Frank’s belly has become really big!" – "Well, that’s what you get from all those little snacks…" Lit.: "What a big belly has Frank gotten!" – …)

Related words:
– "Tussen": (in) between.
– "Door": through.
– "Tussendoor": in between, through.
– "Snack": snack.
– "Dieet": diet.

Did you know that diminutives always have the neuter gender? So, for example, it’s:
– "het tussendoortje, de tussendoortjes": the (little) snack.
– "het meisje, de meisjes": the girl.
– "het huisje, de meisjes": the little house.
– "het scheetje, de scheetjes": the little fart.
The plural form of a diminutive always ends on "s".

3 thoughts on “Tussendoortje

  1. Wonderful for a Norwegian in Belgium to learn some Dutch REAL expressions.
    Much appreciated.
    Thanx a bunch.

  2. “In a certain way, you could consider this DWOTD to be a “tussendoortje”: something that is consumated quickly between two main”
    Consumate is something that people with do with sex organs after getting married!!!
    Consume is something that people do with Tussendoortjes. Ha Ha. Wel lachen.
    Although, if you were consumating between meals, I guess you could justifiably call it a tussendoortje. Ha ha. Wel lachen.

  3. @ Mike
    You’re absolutely right of course…I meant “consume” 🙂
    Btw, I even spelled it wrong, it’s “consummate”…

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