
funny, amusing, comical, humorous [adverb/adjective] Iconspeaker_3

Derived from the noun "grap" ("joke"), "grappig" can be used as an adverb and an adjective. Its usage can also be ironical (which should be clear from context).

– "Dit is niet grappig!" 
("This is not funny/amusing!")

– "Het spijt me, het was bedoeld als een grappige opmerking!" – "Laat maar, het geeft niet!"
("I’m sorry, I meant it jokingly / it was meant to be a funny remark!" – "Forget about it, it’s OK!")

– "Denk je dat je grappig bent ofzo?" 
("Do you think you’re funny (or something)?")

– "Sorry, maar ik zie niet in wat daar nu zo grappig aan is!" 
("I’m sorry, but I fail to see what is so funny about that!")

– "Echt een heel grappige film, ik raad hem je zeker aan!" 
("Really a very funny movie, I definitely recommend it (to you)." Be aware that "heel" is used here as an adverb (to "grappige"), hence it is not declined; this is a common mistake Dutch people make.)

– "<ironisch:> Grappig hoor!" 
(<ironically:> "Funny!! (Not)." / "Very amusing…") Note that you can also say this when you don’t mean it ironically.)

– "Wat een leuke speech van Frank, hij bracht het heel grappig!" 
("What an amusing speech by Frank, he presented it very humorously." Usage of the noun "speech" is common in Dutch. Note the use of the verb "brengen" in the meaning of "to present/perform".)

Related words:
– Grap(je): joke [noun] [de grap, de grappen].
– Leuk: nice, funny [adverb/adjective].
– Grappen maken: to make jokes, to joke [verb] [maakte grappen, grappen gemaakt].
– Grappenmaker: funnyman / funny ladey, joker [noun] [de grappenmaker, de grappenmakers].
– Grapjas: see ‘grappenmaker’.