that does it, that’s it, that is the last straw [Dutch phrase of the week]
Literally, "dat doet de deur dicht" translates to "that closes the door". This expression is used when something unpleasant happens which makes you feel that you’ve had it with it. The tone at which this expression is used is often indignant.
– "Mijn auto is nu voor de derde keer bekrast…dat doet de deur dicht!"
("My car has been scratched for the third time now…that does it!")
– "Frank heeft zich deze week al twee keer verslapen." – "Dat doet de deur dicht!"
("Frank has overslept twice already this week." – "That is the last straw!")
– "Dit is het derde jaar zonder loonsverhoging. Dat doet de deur dicht, ik neem ontslag!"
("This is the third year without a raise. That’s it, I quit!")
– "Dat is de druppel die de emmer doet overlopen!": that is the last straw! Lit.: "That is the drop that makes the bucket flow over".
– "Dat is de druppel!": Short version of "dat is de druppel die de emmer doet overlopen": that is the last straw!
– "Dit weekend alweer een slachtoffer van zinloos geweld. Dat is de druppel!"
("Again a victim of pointless violence this weekend. That is the last straw!")
– "Dat is het toppunt!": that’s the limit!
– "Er genoeg van hebben": to have enough of it.
Related words:
– Deur: door [noun] [de deur, de deuren].
– Dicht: closed [adjective].
– Dichtdoen: to close [verb] [deed dicht, dichtgedaan]. Lit.: to do/make (something) closed.
– Sluiten: to close [verb] [sloot, gesloten].
– Verontwaardigd: indignant [adjective].