
broken, cracked, torn, gone to pieces, out of order [adjective] [ka-pot] Iconspeaker_3

"Kapot" is used as a qualification for a general dysfunctional state. This goes for both objects and persons, physically as well as mentally. "Kapot" can be used in conjunction with a various number of verbs, which will lead to various translations, but all will somehow refer to a dysfunctional state.

You will hear the synonymous "stuk" a lot as well.Kapotte_lamp

– "De lamp is kapot." 
("The lamp is broken.")

– "Mam, ik heb de vaas laten vallen, en nu is hij stuk…" 
("Mum, I’ve dropped the vase, and now it’s gone to pieces…")

– "Laat me een keer slapen, want ik ga kapot." 
("Let me sleep just one time, because I’m going to pieces." Line from a song by famous Dutch 80s band Doe Maar)

– "Zich kapot lachen": to laugh one’s ass off.
– "Zich kapot schrikken": to be scared to death.

– "Frank ziet er slecht uit…ik heb me kapot geschrokken…"
("Frank is looking awful…I was scared to death (by it)…")

– "Zich kapot werken": to work oneself to death.
– "Ergens kapot van zijn": <positive> to be (really) impressed by something, to (really) love something.

– "Wat vind je van de nieuwe CD van Duffy?" – "Ik ben er helemaal kapot van!"
("What do you think of Duffy’s new CD?" – "I really love it!)

– "Ergens kapot van zijn": <negative> to be dreadfully cut up by something.

– "Hoe lang is het al uit?" – "Zes maanden, maar ik ben er nog steeds kapot van."
("It’s been how long since the breakup?" – "Six months, but I’m still heart-broken.")

Related words:
– Stuk: broken [adjective].
Uitgeput: exhausted [adjective].