
1. recognize, know, identify with [verb] [her-ken-nen, her-kend] Iconspeaker_3

Here "herkennen" has the meaning of "recognizing somebody/thing who/that you already know". You can also use the verb to say you identify with somebody/thing or know what somebody is talking about.

– "Na al die jaren herkende ik hem meteen!" 
("After all these years I recognized him immediately!")

– "Ik herkende haar aan haar vreemde manier van praten." 
("I recognized her by her strange way of speaking.")

– "Het is gewoon ongelofelijk lastig om zo’n grote groep te leiden!" – "Ja, dat herken ik wel…" 
("It is just incredibly difficult to lead such a big group!" – "Yes, I recognize that / know what you are talking about.")

– "Ik herken mezelf wel in de hoofdpersoon van dat boek." 
("I can identify with the main character of that book.")

Related words:
– Herkenning: recognition [noun] [de herkenning, <no plural>].

2. recognize, identify, make out, discern [verb] [her-ken-nen, her-kend] Iconspeaker_3 

OgenHere "herkennen" is used in the meaning of identifying or discerning.

– "Je kunt het gebouw herkennen aan de lange schoorsteen." 
("You can recognize the building by the tall chimney.")

– "De tegenpartij is te herkennen aan de rood-wit gestreepte shirts." 
("The opponent / other side can be recognized/identified by the red and white striped shirts.")

– "Ok, de dader heeft dus een rode pet en een baard? Dan zal ik hem wel herkennen, hoop ik…" 
("Ok, so the perpetrator has a red cap and a beard? Then I guess I’ll identify him, I hope…")

Related words:
– Onderscheiden: to discern, to distinguish [verb] [onderscheiden, onderscheid].