
chattering fool, blabbermouth Iconspeaker_3 Kletsmajoor
[de klets-ma-joor, klets-ma-joors]

"Kletsmajoor" literally translates to chatter major. A "kletsmajoor" talks a lot, not specifically gossip, just a lot 🙂

A popular synonym is "kletskous" (lit.: chatter sock, see also Kletsen). Sometimes you may also see the somewhat outdated "kletsmeier".

– "Frank is gewoon een ordinaire kletsmajoor." 
("Frank is just a tacky blabbermouth.")

– "Je noemt mij een kletsmajoor? Je bent niet goed snik!" 
("You’re calling me a chattering fool? You’re out of your mind!")

– "De griep zal de mensheid binnen 20 jaar decimeren…" – "Jij kletsmajoor…" 
("The flu will decimate mankind within 20 years…" – "You blabbermouth…")

– "Wees voorzichtig met wat je zegt. Kletsmajoors komen niet ver in de politiek…" 
("Be careful with what you say. Chattering fools will not get far in politics…")

– "Iemand de oren van het hoofd kletsen.": to talk the hind leg off
a donkey / to talk really much. (Literally: to talk the ears off
someone’s head).
– "Uit je nek kletsen.": to talk nonsense. (Literally: to talk out of your neck).

"Frank zat weer behoorlijk uit z’n nek te kletsen tijdens de vergadering."
("Frank was really talking nonsense again during the meeting.")

Related words:
– Kletsen: to chat, to chatter [verb] [kletsen, kletste, h. gekletst].
– Roddelen: to gossip [verb] [roddelen, roddelde, h. geroddeld].

– "Ik? Een affaire met de buurvrouw? Wie heeft er geroddeld? Dat slaat nergens op!" 
("Me? An affair with my neighbour? Who told you that gossip? That makes no sense at all!")

3 thoughts on “Kletsmajoor

  1. I see two different plurals: kletsmajoors (in the definition) and kletsmajoren (in the 4th example). I believe the second is wrong, no?

  2. Dear author,
    Let me start by saying I like your site. I’m a native Dutch speaker but like to look at the extensive English descriptions of ‘our’ words.
    I appreciate the choice of the word “kletsmajoor” this day and I think it is a good decision to mention the synonym “kletskous”. I would like to suggest to also add the synonym “kletskop” to complete this. Besides the idea this word is, as far as I can evaluate, used as frequent as the synonym “kletskous” it is also the name of a typical Dutch cookie!
    Hope you like this addition.
    Keep up the good work.

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