
silence, quiet, stillness Click to listen
[de stil-te, de stil-tes/stil-ten]

A "stilte" is a silence. Related adjective is "stil": silent, quiet, still. There's also the verb "stillen", which would literally translate to "to make quiet". "Stillen" is never used in this literal sense though. In Dutch, you can say for example "je dorst/honger stillen": to quench your thirst / satisfy your hunger.

– "Stilte! Ik vermoord je!" 
("Silence! I kill you!")

– "Er viel een grote stilte in de rechtszaal toen de moordenaar werd binnengebracht." 
("A great silence fell in the courtroom when the murderer was brought in.")

– "Dit is wat je noemt een ongemakkelijke stilte." 
("This is what you call an awkward silence.")

– "Een oorverdovende stilte": (lit.: an ear-numbing silence) a roaring silence.

Related words:
Fluisteren: to whisper [verb] [fluisteren, fluisterde, h. gefluisterd].
Lawaai: noise, tumult, uproar, racket [noun] [het lawaai, <no plural>].

– "Te veel lawaai hier, ik ben weg,

("Too much noise in here, I'm
gone, cheerio!")

– Stil: silent, quiet, still [adjective].

In Dutch trains, you may see so called "stiltecoupés". They are train compartments whereStiltecoupe it's not allowed to make noise… "Stiltecoupés" have windows with "SILENCE [S] STILTE" on them, and each  compartment has stickers like the picture on the right. The exact "stiltecoupé" rules and rules of conduct are one of the best kept secrets in the Netherlands 🙂 and topic of many a discussion. The general idea is not to disturb your fellow passengers, but of course everybody has a different definition of "disturb"…