to (ex)change, to swap
[rui-len, ruil-de, h. ge-ruild]
"Ruilen" is used when something is (permanently) swapped between owners or in exchange for money or another equivalent. When you want to switch an object for another, we use "verwisselen".
– "Ik zou niet met Frank (van plaats) willen ruilen, volgens mij zit hij flink onder de plak."
("I wouldn't want to change places with Frank, I believe his wife totally controls him." Note the expression "onder de plak zitten"; you "zit onder de plak" when your partner keeps you under her/his thumb.)
– "Aankopen kunnen geruild worden binnen 30 dagen."
("Purchases can be exchanged within 30 days.")
– "Ruilen alleen toegestaan met bon."
("Exchange (of sold goods) only allowed with receipt.")
– "Oh, oh, Den Haag, ik zou met niemand willen ruilen; meteen gaan huilen, als ik geen Hagenees zou zijn."
("Oh, oh, The Hague, I wouldn't want to change places with anyone; (I) would cry immediately, if I would not be a 'Hagenees'." This is taken from the iconic song "Oh oh Den Haag", sang in the local The Hague accent by Harrie Jekkers. All Dutch people know this song and parts of the lyrics are frequently quoted, see Extra below.)
– "Ik heb een voorstel: we ruilen mijn iPad tegen jouw MacBook, wat zeg je ervan?"
("I have a proposal: we swap my iPad for your MacBook, what do you say?")
– "Ik ben niet zo blij met mijn Sinterklaascadeau, zullen we ruilen?"
("I'm not that happy with my 'Sinterklaas present'; shall we swap?")
Related words:
– Ruil: exchange [noun] [de ruil, de ruilen].
– Ruilbeurs: exchange mart, swap-meet [noun] [de ruilbeurs, de ruilbeurzen].
– Verwisselen: to exchange, to switch [verb] [verwisselde, verwisseld].
– "De dief verwisselde het schilderij ongemerkt voor een kopie."
("Unnoticed, the thief exchanged the painting for a replica.")
– Vervangen: to replace [verb] [verving, vervangen].
– Wisselen: to change [verb] [wisselde, gewisseld].
Check out this Karaoke version of "Oh oh Den Haag" on YouTube with some old The Hague footage; the song refers to the The Hague tradition of New Year's eve bonfires, the football club A.D.O. and the construction of the (ugly) shopping centre 'Babylon' at Central Station, which has recently undergone a major upgrade. A "Hagenees" is somebody who was born in The Hague and still lives there.