[de lief-da-dig-heid, <no plural>]
Yesterday, the fundraising event for Japan started in the Amsterdam Arena stadium ( This is a good example of "liefdadigheid" ("charity"). "Liefdadigheid" is made up of three parts: "lief" which means "sweet" or "love"; "dadig" which is related to "daad" which means "deed"; and "-heid" which does not have a separate meaning but determines that the word is a noun. Literally, "liefdadigheid" therefore means something like "sweetdoingness". There is no other combination of "lief" and "daad"; this is the only combination of the two words.
– "De liefdadigheidsactie "Nederland helpt Japan" probeert zo veel mogelijk geld in te zamelen voor de slachtoffers van de aardbeving en de tsunami in Japan."
("The charity event "Netherlands helps Japan" tries to collect as much money as possible for the earthquake and tsunami victims in Japan.")
– "Het geld van de liefdadigheidactie gaat naar het Rode Kruis."
("The money of the charity event goes to the Red Cross.")
– "De slogan van de liefdadigheidsactie is: "Maak een gebaar"."
("The slogan of the charity event is: "Make a contribution"." Literally: "Make a sign".)
– "Het bruidspaar vroeg de gasten om in plaats van cadeaus te kopen een bedrag aan liefdadigheid te geven."
("The wedding couple requested guests to donate money to charity instead of buying presents.")
– "Op de menukaart van het restaurant was een van de toetjes één euro voor een goed doel. Heb je ooit zo'n liefdadigheidactie gezien?"
("The menu of the restaurant included one euro for a good cause as a dessert. Have you ever seen such a charity event?")
Related words:
– Een goed doel: a good cause, a charity [noun] [het doel, de doelen].
– Lief: sweet, lovely [adjective].
A famous Dutch popband in the 1980s (known for songs like "België" ("Belgium")) has the funny name "het goede doel" ("the good cause" or "the good objective").
You may not be aware that the English version of the hit single “België” of Het Goede Doel was disappointingly called “Luxembourg”. Belgium may be a well-guarded secret among the Dutch, but uneducated foreigners may have other ideas about the country. The band must have figured Luxembourg was a safer bet for their international foray. I know–utter, contemptible sacrilege.