
1. to give birth [verb] [beviel, bevallen]

– "Prinses Maxima zal in juli opnieuw van een kind bevallen."
("In July, Princess Maxima will give birth to a child again.")

– "Bevallen is voor een vrouw vergelijkbaar met het lopen van een marathon."

("For a woman, giving birth to / delivering a child is comparable to running a marathon.")

"Dat was een zware bevalling!"
("That was tough / some tough business!" Literally: "That was a heavy delivery!")

Related word:
– "Bevalling": delivery (of a child).

2. to be to the liking of [verb] [beviel, bevallen]

"to be to the liking of" sounds pretty formal in English, "bevallen" in
this translation is quite commonly used. It has more or less the same
meaning as "gustar" in Spanish.

– "Deze situatie bevalt me niet."
("This situation is not to my liking." Or: "I don’t like this situation.")

– "Hoe bevalt het hotel? Bevalt het goed?"
("How is the hotel? Is it to your liking?")

– "Het bevalt Frank helemaal niet dat zijn collega meer verdient dan hij."
is absolutely not to the liking of Frank that his colleague earns more
money than he." Or: "Frank does not like it at all that his colleague
earns more money than he.")

Related word:
– "Iemand aardig vinden": to like someone.

"Ik vind hem erg aardig."
("I like him very much.")