
mayor [noun] [de burgemeester, de burgemeesters]

"Burgemeester" is composed of "burger" and "meester", where the "r" of "burger" is lost. "Burger" translates to "citizen" and "meester" translates to "master". Hence "burgemeester" literally translates to "master of citizens". "Burgemeester" is a uni-sex word: it is used for both mayors and mayoresses.

– "Gisteren is in Nijmegen een nieuwe burgemeester benoemd."
("Yesterday, a new mayor was appointed in the city of Nijmegen.")

– "Wim Deetman is de burgemeester van Den Haag."
("Wim Deetman is the mayor of The Hague.")

Related words:
– "Gemeentehuis": town hall, city hall (also "stadhuis" in Dutch).
– "Gemeente": municipality.
– "College van burgemeester en wethouders": (the bench of) Mayor and Aldermen, see ‘Extra’.
– "Gemeenteraad": local council, city council, see ‘Extra’.

The Netherlands is currently divided in 443 municipalities. Municipalities are governed by the Mayor and his Aldermen. They have to answer to the (members) of the local council. Every four years, municipal elections are held.