
damage [noun] [de schade, de schades/schaden]

– "De storm van gisteren heeft in Nederland veel schade aangericht."
("Yesterday’s storm has caused a lot of damage in the Netherlands.")

– "De verzekeringsmaatschappijen schatten dat het totaal aantal schadeclaims in de miljoenen euro’s zal lopen."
("The insurance companies estimate that the total amount of insurance claims will rise to millions (of euros)." Literally: "…will walk into the millions.")

– "Ik ben met mijn auto tegen een boom aangebotst, maar de schade valt gelukkig mee!"
("I bumped my car into a tree, but luckily the damage is limited!" The verb "meevallen" is used to indicate that something is not that bad, or that it is not as bad as was initially expected.)

– "Door schade en schande wordt men wijs."
("Once bitten, twice shy." Literally: "Through damage and shame one becomes wise.")

Related words:
– "Verzekering": insurance.
– "Beschadiging": damage (but smaller than "schade", e.g. "Aan de zijkant van dit tafelblad zit een lichte beschadiging." (The side of this tabletop is slightly damaged.")).
– "Beschadigen": to damage.
– "Schade aanrichten": to cause damage.
– "Wond": wound, injury.