
panic [noun] [de paniek] [‘paa-niek]

The English verb "to panic" is often translated with the Dutch idiom "in paniek raken", literally: "to get into panic". In Dutch, the verb "panikeren" does exist, but this is mainly used in Belgium.

– "Geen paniek!"
("Don’t panic!" Literally: "No panic!")

– "Frank raakte compleet in paniek toen de directeur hem een vraag stelde."
("Frank completely panicked when the CEO asked him a question.")

– "Een paniekaanval wordt vaak veroorzaakt door veel stress."
("A panic attack is often caused by lots of stress.")

– "De menigte vloog in paniek uit elkaar toen de politie traangas gebruikte."
("The crowd fled off in panic when the police used tear gas.")

– "paniek in de tent": <slightly ironic> panic breaking out. Literally: "panic in the tent".

– "Toen zij bemerkte dat ze haar sleutels verloren had, was er plotseling paniek in de tent."
("When she found out that she had lost her keys, she suddenly broke into panic.")

– "paniek zaaien": to spread panic. Literally: "to sow panic".

Related words:
– "Stress": stress.
– "Ongerust": worried.
– "Zenuwachtig": nervous.