1. back [adverb; ‘tu-rug’]
The word ‘terug’ is also frequently used to create ‘composed verbs’, see ‘Examples’.
– "Geef terug!"
("Give it back!" Here the composed verb is ‘teruggeven’: to give back (or to return).)
– "Sander is (weer) terug van vakantie."
("Sander is back (again) from holiday/vacation.")
– "Ik heb te weinig geld teruggekregen!"
("I was short-changed!" with composed verb ‘terugkrijgen’: to receive, to get back. Literally: "I was given back too little money.")
– "Niet goed, geld terug."
(Popular warranty slogan, literally: "Not good, money back". You will also see: "Niet goed, geld terug – garantie" as a warranty ("garantie") policy.)
– "Ik ben over 5 minuten terug."
("I’ll be back in 5 minutes.")
– "In ‘Back to the future‘ reist de hoofdpersoon terug in de tijd."
("In ‘Back to the future’ the main character travels back in time.")
– "Alle laptopbatterijen met oneven serienummers moeten terug naar de fabriek."
("All laptop batteries with odd serial numbers have to be returned to the factory.")
– "Door het slechte weer zijn veel vakantiegangers teruggekeerd."
("Due to the bad weather, many holidaymakers/vacationers have gone back." Composed verb: ‘terugkeren’.)
– "Kunt u mij later vanmiddag terugbellen?"
("Can you call me back later this afternoon?")
– "Niet terug hebben van": used when one can’t compete, or is silenced (by an argument).
– "De Nederlandse atleet had niet terug van de snelle start van de Rus."
("The Dutch athlete could not compete with the Russian’s fast start.")– "Ik heb hem de waarheid gezegd en hij had er niet van terug!"
("I told him the truth and he was silenced!")
– "Erop terugkomen": to discuss later/to revisit (an issue) or to change an opinion or decision.
– "Ik kom er later in deze presentatie op terug."
("I will discuss this later in the presentation.")– "Ik had gezegd dat ik mee zou gaan vanavond, maar ik moet erop terugkomen."
("I said I’d join tonight, but I have to cancel (take it back).")
2. back (ago) [adverb]
This translation is not very common and the word ‘geleden’ is more often used.
– "Enige jaren terug was er een tekort aan water door het extreem warme weer."
("A few years ago there was a shortage of water due to the extremely warm weather.")