
guy, bloke, dude [noun] [de gozer, de gozers] [‘goo-zur’]

In a Dutch dictionary you will sometimes see the addition that a word is "Bargoens". This is the Dutch "thieves’ cant". It indicates that the word found its original use in that environment, although real "Bargoens" doesn’t exist as such anymore. Many words have made it into the normal Dutch language, but are mainly used informally or in certain sub-cultures. The Yiddish language has had a big influence on "Bargoens" and many words were derived from Yiddish. One such example is "gozer", which is derived from the word "chosen" (groom in Yiddish).

"Gozer" is used informally and is mainly used in the west of the Netherlands. It generally has a positive connotation and is only used for men.

– "Heb je Daniela’s nieuwe vriend al ontmoet? Het is een toffe gozer."
("Have you met Daniela’s new boyfriend? It is a really nice guy.")

– "Bedankt gozer!"
("Thanks dude! / Nice one mate!")

– "Is het druk binnen?" – "Ik zie een paar gozers, maar dat is alles."
("Is it crowded inside?" – "I see a few blokes/guys, but that’s all.")

Related word:

– "Lefgozer": hotshot, show-off. "Lef" translates to guts, nerve, spunk etc.