312. Sap

juice, fluid, sap [noun] [het sap, de sappen] [‘sap‘]

"Sap" in the translation of "fruit juice" is most common. Of course there are many different kinds of juice, see the Examples.

– "In het weekend drink ik vers sap bij het ontbijt."
("In the weekends I have fresh juice with my breakfast." Literally: "… I drink fresh juice at the breakfast.")

– "Wat wil je drinken?" – "Doe maar een sapje."
("What would you like to drink?" – "I’ll have some juice." Of course "sapje" is informal.)

– "Wat voor sap wil je dan?" – "O, even denken… Sinaasappelsap alsjeblieft."
("(Then,) what kind of juice would you like?" – "Oh, let me think… Orange juice please." The word "sinaasappelsap" is easily misspelled, since it sounds like "sinasappelsap". An orange in Dutch is "sinaasappel" derived from "China’s appel" or "apple from China", China being one of the countries the orange originated.)

– "Ik vind perensap lekkerder dan appelsap."
("I think pear juice is tastier than apple juice.")

Related words:
– "Vruchtensap": fruit juice.
– "Sappig": juicy.

– "Sanders vader wist altijd wel een sappig verhaal te vertellen."
("Sander’s father was always able to tell a juicy story.")

– "Persen": to squeeze (fruit).

– "Hebt u ook vers geperst sinaasappelsap?"
("Do you also have freshly squeezed orange juice?")