except for, apart from, with the exception of, bar(ring) [coordinating conjunction] [‘uit-gu-zon-durd’]
This is a popular word to put on traffic signs and in any formal
communication, because there are always exceptions. Well,
"uitzonderingen daargelaten" of course 😉 (see Related words).
– "Verboden in te rijden, uitgezonderd bestemmingsverkeer."
("Entry prohibited, except for local traffic." Lit.: "Forbidden to drive into, except for destination traffic".)
– "Een toelatingsexamen is verplicht voor nieuwe leerlingen, Edyta uitgezonderd, want zij spreekt al een beetje Nederlands."
("An entrance exam is mandatory for all new students, with the exception of Edyta, because she already speaks a bit of Dutch.")
– "Alle modellen worden geleverd met waarschuwingssysteem, uitgezonderd het instapmodel."
("All models are provided with a warning system, except for the base model." Lit.: "…except for the step-in model.")
Related words:
– "Behalve": except (for), save.
– "Uitzondering": exception.
– "Daargelaten": except for, apart from, not counting.
– "Uitzonderingen daargelaten."
("Apart from/not counting exceptions." This seems to be a bit ‘double’, but you will often encounter this phrase.)