[de mouw, de mou-wen]
A "mouw" is a sleeve. A "mouw" can be "kort" (short) of "lang" (long).
– "Kijk! Er zit een lieveheersbeestje op je mouw!"
("Look! There is a ladybird on your sleeve!")
– "De mouwen van deze trui zijn te lang."
("The sleeves of this sweater are too long.")
– "Hoe is het weer vandaag? Zal ik iets met korte of lange mouwen aantrekken?"
("How’s the weather today? Shall I wear something with short or long sleeves?")
– "Daar valt wel een mouw aan te passen": we’ll manage somehow. Lit.: There’s probably a sleeve that can be adjusted.
– "Iemand iets op de mouw spelden": to tell someone a small (lie). Lit.: to pin something on one’s sleeve.
– "Uit de mouw schudden": to come up with something just like that. Lit.: to shake out of the sleeve.
– "Sander schudt moppen zo uit zijn mouw…echt grappig!"
("Sander comes up with jokes just like that…really funny!")
– "De handen uit de mouwen steken: to put one’s shoulder to the wheel. Lit.: to stick one’s hands out of the sleeves.
– "Daar komt de aap uit de mouw": the truth is revealed, the real intentions become clear. Literally: comes the monkey out of the sleeve.
Related words:
– Kort: short [adjective].
– Lang: long [adjective].
– Manchet: cuff [noun] [de manchet, de manchetten].
– T-shirt:T-shirt [noun] [het T-shirt, de T-shirts].
– Trui: sweater, jumper [noun] [de trui, de truien].
– Kleren: clothes [noun] [<no singular>, de kleren].
Don’t confuse the noun "mouwen" (sleeves) with the verb "mauwen", which translates to "to meow" (the sound made by a cat), which also can be used figuratively: to whine. You may also see "miauwen", which also translates to "to meow", but which doesn’t have the figurative meaning.