
word Iconspeaker_3
[het woord, de woor-den]

A “woord” is a word. It doesn’t get easier than that 🙂

Estimations on the total number of words in the Dutch language vary a lot: from one million words (not counting declinations and conjugations) up to 60 million (including declinations and conjugations). Some even say that the number of all possible Dutch words is virtually infinite, since new compositions or derivations can be endlessly created from “original” words…

– “Deze zin heeft vijf woorden.” 
(“This sentence has five words.”)

– “Dat zijn harde woorden.” 
(“Those are harsh words.”)

– “De tortelduifjes hadden alleen maar lieve woordjes voor elkaar.” 
(“The lovebirds only had sweet little words for each other.”)

– “Vrouwe, ik geef u mijn woord. Ik zal niet falen.” 
(“My Lady, I give you my word. I shall not fail.”)

– “Wat een onzin! Zoveel woorden die nergens op slaan.” 
(“What nonsense! So many words that make no sense.”)

– “Geen woord meer!”: not another word!
– “Zijn woord breken”: to break one’s word.
– “Het woord doen/voeren”: to do the talking/to act as spokesman.
– “Het woord is aan jou/u”: the floor is yours.
– “Woorden hebben met iemand”: to have words with someone.
– “Het hoogste woord hebben”: to talk loudest/to dominate the conversation    .
– “Zijn woord houden”: to keep one’s word.
– “Zijn woord breken”: to break one’s word.

Related words:
– Zin: sentence [noun] [de zin, de zinnen].
– Letter: letter [noun] [the letter, the letters].

– “Het woord ‘bouwvakkersdecolleté’ heeft 20 letters.”
(“The word ‘bouwvakkersdecolleté’ has 20 letters.”)

– Woordenboek: dictionary [noun] [het woordenboek, de woordenboeken].
– Spellen: to spell [verb] [spellen, spelde, gespeld].

Like in many other countries, Lingo is the popular “word-guessing” game show that runs on Dutch TV since 1989 (but stopped in 2014). It has run so long that they had to go from 5-letter words to 6-letter words…

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