
turtledove, lovebird Iconspeaker_3
[de tor-tel-duif, de tor-tel-dui-ven]

Lovebird_3Sometimes Dutch isn't that hard at all: a "turtledove" simply translates to Dutch "tortelduif". A kissing or cuddling couple doesn't have to consist of two pigeons, but can be virtually two of all species. When referring to a couple (instead of the bird species), often the diminutive plural "tortelduifjes" is used. The related verb "tortelen" is hardly ever used.

– "De Turkse tortel(duif) komt sinds de tweede helft van de 20ste eeuw voor in Nederland." 
("The Turkish turtle has existed in the Netherlands since the second half of the 20th century.")

– "De jonge tortelduifjes hadden alleen maar oog voor elkaar." 
("The young love birds saw nothing but each other." Lit.: "…only had eye for each other.")

– "De gefrustreerde leraar kon de tortelende stellen op het schoolplein niet aanzien." 
("The frustrated teacher couldn't stand the cuddling couples on the school yard." Lit.: "…couldn't see…")

Related words:
– Tortelen: to bill and coo [verb] [tortelde, getorteld].
– Knuffelen: to cuddle, to hug [verb] [knuffelde, geknuffeld].
Zoenen: to kiss [verb] [zoende, gezoend].
– Duif: pigeon, dove [noun] [de duif, de duiven].

One thought on “Tortelduif

  1. “The Turkish turtle exists in the Netherlands since the second half of the 20th century.”)
    Ik denk dat je in deze zin moet gebruiken de v.t.t.
    “The Turkish turtle has existed…..
    Groetjes Ruud

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