
1. to deliver Iconspeaker_3
[be-zor-gen, be-zorg-de, be-zorgd]

Having goods delivered to your house in the Netherlands can be a painful exercise. They of course always come when you are not at home and eventually you will have to go and collect it yourself at the post office. Which will then be closed 🙂 Two weeks ago I ordered a printer on the Internet, and yes it has been delivered – three times already – … at the wrong address.

– “Er is voor jou een pakje bezorgd. Je kunt het komen ophalen tussen 9 en 10 uur.” 
(“A package was delivered for you. You can (come and) collect it between 9 and 10 AM.”)

– “Kunt u het bij mij thuis laten bezorgen?”
(“Can you deliver it at my house?” Lit. “have it delivered…”)

– “De postbode bezorgt elke dag van de week behalve zondag.”
(“The mail man delivers each day of the week apart from Sundays.”)

– “Wij hebben geprobeerd een pakje bij u te bezorgen, maar u was niet thuis. U kunt het pakje ophalen op het postkantoor.”
(“We have tried to deliver a package at your house (literally: “with you”), but you were not at home. You can collect the package at the post office.”)

Related words:
– Bezorging: delivery [noun] [de bezorging, <no plural>].
– Bezorgkosten: delivery charge/fee [noun] [de kosten].
– Post: mail [noun] [de post, <no plural>].
– Pakje: parcel, package [noun] [het pakje, de pakjes].

2. to give, to provide with Iconspeaker_3
[be-zor-gen, be-zorg-de, be-zorgd]

“Bezorgen” is also used figuratively. The translation given does not cover it properly, best to check out the examples below.

– “Haar vriend werkt bij een bank en hij heeft mij daar onlangs een baan bezorgd.” 
(“Her boyfriend works at a bank and he recently got me a job there.”)

– “Hij haalt nooit zijn deadlines en dat heeft hem een slechte reputatie bezorgd.”
(“He never meets his deadlines and that has earned him a bad reputation.”)

– “Waarom lees je je e-mail niet goed? Nu moet ik het weer uitleggen en dat bezorgt mij extra werk. Je wordt bedankt!”
(“Why don’t you properly read your e-mail? Now I have to explain it again and that causes a lot of extra work for me. Well thanks a lot!”)

– “Iemand grijze haren bezorgen”: to give someone grey hair, to make somebody worry heavily.

– “Met dit roekeloze gedrag bezorgt hij mij echt grijze haren.”
(“His reckless behaviour really makes me worry.” Lit.: “With this reckless behaviour he really turns me grey.”)

2 thoughts on “Bezorgen

  1. They should have delivered your printer yesterday when you were on holiday! 🙂

  2. Hi Chris,
    Yeah that would have been great, but of course, there is no ‘bezorging’ on public holidays 😉

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