to track, trace, detect
[op-spo-ren, spoor-de op, op-ge-spoord]
"Opsporen" is both used for people and errors. In case of people it is mostly used in the context of law enforcement.
– "Het spijt ons, maar de fout is nog steeds niet opgespoord."
("We are sorry, but the error still has not been detected.")
– "Het opsporen van misdadigers zou de eerste prioriteit moeten hebben!"
("(The) Tracking down (of) criminals should have the first priority!")
– "De privédetective maakte furore door diverse vermiste personen op te sporen."
("The private investigater caused a furore/furor by tracking down several missing persons.")
– "De politie heeft de dader nog niet opgespoord en roept de hulp in van de kijkers."
("The police have not yet tracked down the perpetrator en request the assistance of the viewers." Also see the Extra: "Opsporing verzocht".)
Related words:
– Spoor: track, trace, mark [noun] [het spoor, de sporen].
– Opsporing: tracing, location [noun] [de opsporing, de opsporingen].
– Spoorzoeken: activity of tracking, tracing [noun] [het spoorzoeken]. Note that ‘spoorzoeken’ is also a verb but only used in the infinitive form.
"Opsporing verzocht", literally "Tracing requested" is a popular Dutch tv program in which the police ask the viewers for help with tracking down perpetrators by showing real footage or reconstructions of a crime. This method proves to be very successful.
EXTRA: this method proVES (not proofs) to be very successful. Great site. Love it. Keep it up.
Thanks Chad! I’ve corrected it.