
offspring, future generations Iconspeaker_3
[het na-ge-slacht, de na-ge-slach-ten]

images“Nageslacht” is related to the word “nakomeling”. The latter translates as “descendant” (literally “the one coming after”). All “nakomelingen” of a parent together form the “nageslacht”.

“Nageslacht” is also the term for the people who will live after us: “future generations”.

– “Het is de taak van de man te zorgen voor voldoende nageslacht.” – “Bah, wat een paternalistische opmerking!” 
(“It is the duty of the man to ensure that there will be enough offspring.” – “Ugh, what a paternalistic remark!”)    

– “Het nageslacht kan niet beoordeeld worden op de daden van hun ouders.” 
(“Offspring cannot be judged (based) on the actions of their parents.”)

– “Het nageslacht van je moeder is niet noodzakelijkerwijs gelijk aan het nageslacht van je vader.” 
(“Your mother’s offspring is not necessarily identical to your father’s offspring.”)

– “We moeten goed zorgen voor het milieu. Doen we het niet voor onszelf, dan doen we het voor het nageslacht.” 
(“We have to take proper care of the environment. If we don’t do it for ourselves, then we (should) do it for future generations.”)

Related words:
– Nakomeling: descendant [noun] [de nakomeling, de nakomelingen].
– Nazaat: descendant [noun] [de nazaat, de nazaten].
– Geslacht: gender, (the male or female) sex, genitals, family, race [noun] [het geslacht, de geslachten].
– Slachten: to butcher, to slaughter [verb] [slachtte, geslacht].

– “Het paard werd geslacht zonder dat het voor nageslacht had kunnen zorgen.”
(“The horse was slaughtered without it having been able to produce offspring.”)

– Geslachtsgemeenschap: sexual intercourse [noun] [de geslachtsgemeenschap, <no plural>].
– Voortplanting: reproduction, procreation [noun] [de voortplanting, <no plural>].

2 thoughts on “Nageslacht

  1. “Geslacht: gender, (the male or female) sex, GENITALS, FAMILY, race”
    Now that must make for some interesting conversations in the bar!
    “Hey Frank! How are you and how are the geslacht?”
    “Oh fine thanks, I had them depilated last week.”
    “Huh, I saw your Mum and Dad only yesterday by the Prinsengracht and they were still sporting their elegant coiffures!”

  2. Yup, it’s quite a versatile word 🙂
    So before we all get into weird bar conversations:
    – when discussing genitals it may help to use the alternative term “geslachtsdeel”. This is the proper generic term (although people are still inclined to use other vague non-descriptive terms);
    – when discussing family, one would use “familie” (indicating the relatives of somebody) or “gezin” (the partner and the children). “Geslacht” can be used when discussing family trees. Which could make an excellent bar conversation! 🙂
    Note that Dutch people often talk about their family in the meaning of ‘relatives’.

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