palm tree
[de palm-boom, de palm-bo-men]
Let’s pretend summer’s already started 😉 “Palmboom” consist of “palm” and “boom” (tree). As in English, you don’t necessarily have to add “tree”; “palm” on its own also refers to the tree. “Palm” can also have a different meaning, e.g. the palm of your hand.
– “Die palmboom staat helemaal scheef door de wind.”
(“That palm tree is all crooked because of the wind.”)
– “Ben je wel eens op dat eiland in de vorm van een palm van Dubai geweest, Palm Jumeirah?”
(“Have you ever been to that island in the shape of a palm in Dubai, Palm Jumeirah?”)
– “Ze kunnen me wat! Ik ga mijn baan opzeggen en onder een palmboom liggen.”
(“To hell with this! I’m quitting my job and instead I’ll spend my time lying under a palm tree.” Lit.: “I’m going to quit my job and lie under a palm tree.”)
– “Geef je die palm wel genoeg water? Hij is helemaal uitgedroogd.”
(“Have you watered that palm enough? It’s all dried out.”)
– “De waarzegger pakte de palm van haar hand en begon de toekomst te voorspellen.”
(“The fortune teller took the palm of her hand and started to predict the future.”)
Related words:
– Handpalm: palm of a hand [noun] [de handpalm, de handpalmen].
– Palmpasen: the Sunday before Easter – Palm Sunday [noun] [Palmpasen, <no plural>].
In Christianity, the Sunday before Easter is called “Palmpasen”, which literally means Palmeaster. It refers to the biblical story that people covered the road with branches of palm trees when Jezus entered Jerusalem. Another word for “Palmpasen” is “Palmzondag” or “Passiezondag”.
Just ter info, in English, “Palmpasen” is called “Palm Sunday”.
Thanks Alastair, I have clarified it.
I think this is missing a translation, and I’m feeling this way today at work:
– “Ze kunnen me wat! Ik ga mijn baan opzeggen en onder een palmboom liggen.”
“To hell with this! I’m quitting my job and [instead I’ll spend my time] lying under a palm tree.”
Thanks Amy, I guess we were also quite ready for some palm tree relaxation when writing this 😉