to hear something through the grapevine, to hear informally
[Dutch phrase of the week]
"Wandelgang" is composed of "wandel" and "gang", which respectively translate to "walk/stroll" and "hallway/corridor". As an expression, "iets in de wandelgangen horen" is used in a situation where information is informally acquired.
– "Ik hoorde in de wandelgangen dat je niet veel langer de mijne zou zijn…"
("I heard it through the grapevine, not much longer you would be mine…")
– "Ik hoorde in de wandelgangen dat Frank zijn baan zal verliezen."
("I heard it through the grapevine that Frank will lose his job.")
– "Ik heb veel gelobbyd via mijn informele netwerken, nu hoor ik in de wandelgangen dat mijn advies door het management zal worden gevolgd."
("I've lobbied a great deal via my informal networks, now I hear it through the grapevine that my advice will be followed by the management.")
– "Tussen neus en lippen door": informally.
– "Ik begreep tussen neus en lippen door dat Daniel achterdochtig had gereageerd. Klopt dat?"
("I understood informally that Daniel had reacted with suspicion. Is that right?")
– "Tussen de regels door": between the lines.
– "Van horen zeggen": hear say.
Related words:
– Gang: hallway, corridor [noun] [de gang, de gangen].
– Gerucht: rumour [noun] [het gerucht, de geruchten].
– "Het gerucht doet de ronde dat…"
("Rumour has it that…")
– Wandelen: to walk, to stroll [verb] [wandelen, wandelde, h. gewandeld].