against the wind
[Dutch phrase of the week]
Literally, "wind tegen" translates to "wind against". It is commonly used in combination with the verb "hebben" (to have): "wind tegen hebben" (to go against the wind, to have the wind blowing against you). Note the subtlety that the Dutch actually say "the wind" goes "against you", instead of "you" go "against the wind"…we respect THE WIND… 🙂
The opposite of "wind tegen" is "wind mee": before the wind. When there's no wind, it's "windstil".
In the Netherlands, there's usually a south-west wind blowing, but it seems that no matter which direction you go, you always have "wind tegen"…
– "Ik had vandaag wind tegen op de fiets naar werk."
("Today, when I was riding my bike to work, I had the wind blowing against me." Lit.: "…on the bike.")
– "Met wind tegen moet je harder trappen. bijna zwoegen…"
("Against the wind, you have to pedal harder, almost toil…")
– "Ik ben helemaal uitgeput van de hele tijd wind tegen…" – "Dat valt toch wel mee? Het is bijna windstil nu."
("I'm completely exahausted from having the wind against me all the time…" -"It's not so bad, is it? There's almost no wind now.")
– "De wind van voren krijgen": to get it good, to draw a storm on one's head.
– "Met alle winden meewaaien": to set one's sail to every wind, to bend with every wind.
– "Veel politici waaien met alle winden mee, verschrikkelijk!"
("Many politicians bend with every wind, terrible!")
Related words:
– Rukwind: squall, gust [noun] [de rukwind, de rukwinden].
– Tegen: against [preposition].
"Wiet roken is tegen de wet, maar wordt in Nederland onder bepaalde
omstandigheden gedoogd."
("Smoking weed is against the law, but is allowed
under certain conditions in the
– Waaien: to blow [verb] [waaien, waaide, h. gewaaid].
– Wind: 1. wind [noun] [de wind, de winden]. 2. fart [noun] [de wind, de winden].