ill, sick [adjective]
The (American-)English "sick" can also have the meaning "nauseous", however this does not translate as such into Dutch (see ‘Related words’). The social security system in the Netherlands allows for an unlimited number of sick days, however, policies to confirm the illness and work towards recovery are enforced.
– "Frank heeft zich vandaag ziek gemeld vanwege een zware verkoudheid."
("Frank has called in sick today due to a severe cold.")
– "Je ziet er slecht uit. Ben je ziek, of heb je gewoon een kater?"
("You look bad. Are you ill, or are you just having a hangover?")
– "Een seriemoordenaar heeft een zieke geest."
("A serial killer has a sick mind.")
– "Zich ziek, zwak en misselijk voelen": to feel really sick. Literally: to feel ill, weak and nauseous.
Related words:
– "Zieke": [noun] a sick person, patient.
– "Ziekte": illness, sickness, disease.
– "Misselijk": nauseous.
– "Ziekenauto": ambulance. Literally: sick people car.
– "Ziekenhuis": hospital. Literally: sick people house.