1. fungus, mould
[de schim-mel, de schim-mels]
Een "schimmel" is a fungus or a mould. A mushroom is a "paddenstoel" (which grows in the wild) or "champignon" (which is grown on farms).
– "Er zit schimmel op het brood."
("The bread is moulded." Lit.: "There’s mould on the bread.")
– "De dokter heeft een zalf voorgeschreven voor de schimmel tussen mijn tenen."
("The doctor has prescribed an ointment for the mould between my toes.")
– "Wat is er met deze boom aan de hand?" – "Ik denk dat er de schimmel in zit."
("What’s going on with this tree?" – "I think it’s been affected by a fungus." Lit.: "I think that the fungus is in it.")
Related words:
– (Be)schimmelen: to mould, to get mouldy [verb] [(be)schimmelen, (be)schimmelde, (be)schimmeld].
– Paddenstoel: mushroom [verb] [de paddenstoel, de paddenstoelen].
– "Deze paddenstoel behoort tot een familie giftige schimmels."
("This mushroom belongs to a family of poisonous fungi.")
The Dutch have a lot of rules to guarantee hygiene in the horeca. Of course, not all restaurants follow the rules…which has led to an entertaining TV show: "Smaakpolitie" (lit.: taste police). Its host Rob de Geus is on a personal mission to ban every mould from Dutch kitchens. Watch this remarkable clip, where he visists a student dorm…
2. grey (horse)
[de schim-mel, de schim-mels]
A "schimmel" is also a grey (horse). The most famous grey in the Netherlands makes its appearance around the 5th of December: Sinterklaas’ favourite way of transport is his grey 🙂
– "Sinterklaas rijdt op zijn schimmel over de Nederlandse daken…geloof jij het?"
("Sinterklaas rides his grey over the Dutch rooftops…do you believe it?")
– "Deze schimmel is een lief beest, dat zwarte paard is vals…"
("This grey horse is a sweet animal, that black horse is mean…")
– "Je mag een gegeven paard niet in bek kijken": to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Related words:
– Paard: horse [noun] [het paard, de paarden].
– Tuig: harness [noun] [het tuig, <no plural>].
– "Ik heb een nieuw tuig voor mijn schimmel gekocht."
("I bought a new harness for my gray.")
– Pakjesavond: (lit.) evening of presents, Sinterklaas’ evening.
Thanks again for this excellent website. I came across ‘eekhoornbroodtje’ (though I won’t guarantee I’ve remembered the spelling correctly) as a word for mushroom. I guess it literally means ‘little squirrel bread’ so I wonder if it’s a childhood name for mushrooms or perhaps a particular variety. If you can throw any light on the matter I’d be grateful.
I think that eekhoornbroodtje is a particular type of mushroom, but I’m not certain.
What I wanted to say, though, was that that clip from the Smaakpolitie was pretty gross, but I’ve seen much worse!
Just for completeness, it’s spelled ‘eekhoorntjesbrood’ and is an edible mushroom. See http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eekhoorntjesbrood