304. Vals

1. fake, false, fraudulent, off key [adjective/adverb] [‘vals‘]

The Dutch "vals" is different from the English "false", although part of its meaning coincides.

In case "false" is meant as the opposite of "true", the Dutch will say "onwaar", or "niet waar", as opposed to "waar" ("true"). Alternatively we say "goed/juist" ("correct") or "fout/onjuist" ("incorrect").

– "Rustig maar mensen, het was vals alarm!"
("Quiet now / take it easy people, it was false alarm!")

– "U krijgt van mij een boete voor het opgeven van een valse naam!"
("I’m giving you a ticket for stating a false name!" Lit. "You are given a ticket by me…")

– "De hardloper werd gediskwalificeerd na de tweede valse start."
("The runner was disqualified after the second false start.")

– "Direct vanaf de introductie werden er valse Eurobiljetten gesignaleerd."
("Straight after the introduction, counterfeit Euro bills were spotted.")

– "Jeetje zeg, wat zingt zij vals!"
("Oh my, how she sings off key / out of tune!" The word "jeetje" is derived from the name "Jezus" and was introduced as an "acceptable" alternative. You will also encounter "jee" or "jeeminee".)

Related words:
– "Valsspelen": to cheat (in a game).

– "Zeker, ik wil graag winnen, maar valsspelen, dat doe ik niet!"
("Sure, I’m eager to win, but cheating, that I won’t do!")

– "Fout": wrong, incorrect.
– "Onjuist": incorrect.
– "Kopie": copy [noun].

2. vicious, mean, nasty [adjective/adverb] [‘vals‘]

This translation is commonly used for animals, but can also be used for humans.

– "Je moet de kat van de buren niet proberen te aaien, het is echt een vals beest."
("You must not try to pet the neighbour’s cat, it is really a vicious animal.")