
appearance, personality, emission, radiation Iconspeaker_3
[de uit-stra-ling, de uit-stra-lin-gen]

"Uitstraling" consists of "uit", which is the opposite of "in" and means from inside to outside, and "straling" which means "radiation". "Uitstraling" can be used in both a literal and a figurative sense. In the literal sense, it can be translated as "emission". In the figurative sense, "uitstraling" relates to the appearance of something, or the emotions that a person displays. The related verb is "uitstralen" ("to radiate").

– "Ik vind dat de website van ons bedrijf geen professionele uitstraling heeft." 
("I think that the website of our company does not have a professional appearance.")

– "Veel mensen vinden dat Barack Obama een enorme uitstraling heeft." 
("A lot of people think that Barack Obama possesses charisma / has a huge personality." Please note that "charisma" is also a Dutch word.)Abu_dhabi_3

– "<Plaatje:> Het ontwerp van het Abu Dhabi Performing Arts Centre heeft een futuristische uitstraling.
("<Picture:> The design of the Abu Dhabi Performing Arts Centre has a futuristic appearance.")

– "Mijn buurvrouw heeft pijn in haar rug die uitstraalt naar haar been." 
("My [female] neigbour has pain in her back that radiates to her leg.")

– "De puber had ondanks zijn jonge leeftijd een wijze uitstraling." 
("The adolescent had a wise appearance despite his young age.")

– "Zij straalt zelfvertrouwen uit." 
("She oozes self-confidence.")

Related words:
– Uitstralen: to radiate [verb] [straalde uit, uitgestraald] [regular strong verb].
– Charisma: charisma [noun] [het charisma, <no plural>].