
1. bankrupt Iconspeaker_3


"Bankroet" sounds a bit like "bankrupt", don’t you think? You may also often see its synonym "failliet".

– "Door de scheiding is Frank helemaal bankroet gegaan." 
("Because of the divorce, Frank went totally bankrupt.")

– "Nu DSB bankroet gegaan is, voelen veel mensen zich in de steek gelaten." 
("Now DSB went bankrupt, a lot of people feel like they’ve been let down.")

– "Met lege handen": empty-handed.

Related words:
– Failliet: bankrupt [adjective].
Blut: broke [adjective].

– "Ik ben blut…" – "Maak dat de kat wijs, je hebt nog je spaarrekening met duizend euro!"
("I’m broke…" – "I don’t believe a thing of it, you still have your savings account with one thousand euros!")

– Platzak: broke [adjective]. Lit.: flat pocket.
Bank: bank, bench, couch, sofa [noun] [de bank, de banken].
– Roet: soot [noun] [het roet, <no plural>].

2. bankruptcy Iconspeaker_3
[het bank-roet, de bank-roe-ten]

"Bankroet" is also the noun: bankruptcy. The related noun of "failliet" changes though: "faillissement".

– "Het morele bankroet van onze samenleving is aanstaande…" 
("The moral bankruptcy of our society is imminent…")

– "Ooit was hij een feestbeest, nu is hij alleen maar bezig met zijn bankroet te voorkomen." 
("He used to be a party animal once, now he’s only trying to prevent his bankruptcy." Lit.: "…he’s busy with trying to…")

Related words:
– Faillissement: bankruptcy [noun] [het faillissement, de faillissementen].