silly, clueless, stupid, gullible
Someone who is "onnozel", is a bit silly and easily tricked into believing things. A bit stupid, but in a harmless way.
– "Dit is werkelijk geniaal!"
– "Vind je? Ik vind het een beetje onnozel."
("This is truly brilliant!" – "You think so? I think
it's a bit silly.")
– "Alicia is altijd aan het winkelen of
aan het dromen van de ware liefde…ze
is een beetje onnozel…"
is always shopping or dreaming of true love…she's a bit clueless…")
– "In tegenstelling tot Frank, ben ik niet onnozel. Hou op met die smoesjes!"
("Unlike Frank, I'm not stupid. Stop making poor excuses!")
– "Zich van de domme houden": to play stupid/innocence.
– "Hou je niet van de domme, dat was een schwalbe!"
("Don't play stupid with me, that was a fake dive!")
– "Het geluk is met de dommen": You don't need to be smart to be lucky.
– "Een onnozele hals / onnozelaar": simpleton, sucker, stupid.
– "Zalig zijn de armen van geest, want hunner is het Koninkrijk der hemelen
(Matteüs 5:3)": Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven (Matth 5:3).
Related words:
– Dom:
dumb, stupid [adjective].
– "Je bent zo dom als je je voordoet, meneer!"
("Stupid is as stupid does, sir!")
– Flapdrol: dweeb, idiot, loony, wacko [noun] [de flapdrol, de flapdrollen].
– Stom: stupid [adjective].
Another example can often be heard in our car when Mrs.Chris is driving and someone cuts her up, or tailgates her:
Onnozel trut/vent* zeg!!!
(* insert as appropriate according to gender of other driver)