
to demand, to require, to claim Iconspeaker_3
[verb] Eisen
[ei-sen, eis-te, h. ge-ëist]

"Eisen" is a regular verb, but note that an ë appears in the past participle to avoid ambiguity in pronunciation. Related noun is "eis" (plural: "eisen"): demand, requirement, claim.

For the record…"eisen" has nothing to do with "ei" 🙂

– "Het parlement heeft het vertrek van de minister geëist." 
("The parliament has demanded the minister's exit.")

– "Kom op zeg, wat je nu van me eist is echt belachelijk!" 
("Come on, your demands are really ridiculous!" Lit.: ",,,what you demand of me now…")

– "Ik eis dat ik nu word geholpen, dit is toch een ziekenhuis??" 
("I demand to be helped right now, this is a hospital, right??")

– "Op zijn/haar strepen staan": to pull rank. Lit.: to stand on one's stripes.

Related words:
– Eis: demand, claim, request, requirement [noun] [de eis, de eisen].
– Voorwaarde: condition, requisite [noun] [de voorwaarde, de voorwaarden/voorwaardes].

4 thoughts on “Eisen

  1. “Eisen” is a regular verb, but note the ë appear in the past particle to avoid ambiguity in pronunciation.
    ^ Het is appearS & past PARTICIPLE.

  2. I heard from my dutch teacher that you should’nt use the word ‘eisen’ because it is not polite and friendly. I mean we should not use it in our regular conversations. I am confused!

  3. @elaleh – I guess that the usage of ‘eisen’ in Dutch is no different than the English ‘demand’. It is not polite to use it in case you are requesting something, but if it is necessary to start demanding something, then you can use ‘eisen’ 🙂

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