
beach/seaside [noun] [het strand, de stranden] [‘strant‘]  Iconspeaker_klein

As the temperature is rising, Holland’s sandy beaches will soon become filled with people baking in the sun in their swimming gear. Baking in the sun all day long is one of the favourite ways to spend the summer vacation for many Dutch, either on the French, Spanish or Dutch seashore.


– "Den Haag ligt aan het strand."
("The Hague is located at the seaside.")

– "Kom, we gaan naar het strand! Vergeet je de zonnebrandcrème niet?"
("Come on, let’s go to the beach! Don’t forget to bring the suntan cream!")

– "Deze maand wordt het jaarlijkse zandsculpturen festival gehouden op het Scheveningse strand."
("The annual Sand Sculpture Festival takes place this month on the beach in Scheveningen.")

– "Afgelopen maart liep het schip Artemis vast op het strand van Les Sables d’Olonnes."
("Last March, the ship Artemis ran ashore on the beach of Les Sables d’Olonnes.")

– "Ga je dit jaar voor een zon-, zee- en strandvakantie of voel je meer voor een culturele vakantie?"
("Are you planning a vacation on the beach this year, or do you favour a cultural vacation?")

– "De Scheveningse boulevard is in de zomer een populaire plek."
("The promenade in Scheveningen is a populair place during the summer.")

– "In de winter maak ik graag lange strandwandelingen."
("In wintertime I enjoy long walks on the beach.")

Related words:
– "Strandjutter": beach comber.
– "Strandstoel": deck chair.
– "Strandboulevard": promenade, esplanade, (sea) front, marine parade.
– "Strandtent": beach tent.

3 thoughts on “Strand

  1. I noticed the first example
    – “Den Haag ligt aan het strand.”
    (“The Hague is located at the seaside.”)
    is it not.. Oh, oh, Den Haag, mooie stad achter de duinen?

  2. Hi Jay,
    thanks for your comment 🙂
    Indeed, in his funny song ‘O, o, Den Haag’, Harry Jekkers refers to The Hague as the city behind the dunes. The city center of The Hague is located behind the dunes, but Scheveningen, one of the areas of The Hague, is located directly at the sea. In past years, the municipality has regularly discussed if The Hague should exploit its location at the seaside more and become the ‘beautiful city at the sea’ instead of the ‘beautiful city behind the dunes’.
    For others who don’t know Harry’s ode to The Hague, check this website for the lyrics of ‘O, O, Den Haag’:

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